thursday meme

It’s time for… Meme Thursday!

It is said about Thursday that it should not exist in the dictionary, calendar, or anywhere else you want.

It is one of the most difficult days because it makes the end of the week still far too far.

Even the fact that many people campaign for a work week of only four days would not make Thursday more pleasant because, in essence, it would only turn into nine on Friday.

Maybe there are a few Thursday memes for this reason, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

A glass half full or half empty

happy thursday meme

Thursday is like making that bank about what people see in a glass only half full.

Some of them choose to see the full half, while others believe that the empty half is the one that should attract our attention.

The same is the case on Thursday. Some perceive it as a beautiful day, taking into account that it brings us one step closer to the long-awaited weekend, while others do not agree with them and do not see anything special on Thursday.

Thursday meme funny

The most popular Thursday memes

Many very funny Thursday memes are designed to help you spend the remaining time until the weekend. And what can be better than that moment when you have a hard day at work, and you feel that you are simply tired than to receive or just look for some very funny Thursday memes.

So come on, keep your head up, there’s still a little more, and that’s it.

best thursday memes

Everything will be fine.
Tomorrow is Friday, and then the weekend you’ve been looking forward to all week is coming.

But until then, let’s see what are the most popular Thursday memes on the internet!

is it Friday already? No, it’s only/still Thursday!

It’s that Thursday meme that everyone knows very well and resonates with.

It describes exactly the situation I presented to you above when you realize that you still have to wait until the weekend starts, so you know exactly what we mean. It’s the kind of meme that’s perfect for sending to office mates when you’re all involved in a difficult project and need something to lighten your brows!

Hilarious Thursday meme

hilarious thrusday meme

Surely everyone had had a day when they didn’t feel like doing anything, just to be lazy, and that’s it.

This is how the next Thursday meme was born, which turned out to be among the most popular.

We are dealing with a man holding a cable, and as a text we have “Thursday at work: serious problems with the computer”. The message is more than suggestive, don’t you think?

A long weekend

thursday memes

Do you know when Thursdays are perfect? When you don’t have to come to work the next day and you have an extended weekend.

It was only a small step from here to a viral meme Thursday.

Indeed, it is possible that Thursday-Friday or whatever you want to call this day might not be too easy, because you have a lot to do! Another argument for why you need some Thursday memes to get through this day!

Happy Thursday meme

They are among the favorite characters when someone wants to create memes on Thursday, and here Grumpy Cat proves to be a perfect choice.
Her grumpy face expresses exactly what we all feel when we wake up in the morning and realize that, yes, and it’s Thursday!

So there is almost no need to add text, right?

An excited kid Thursday meme

The face of young children is very expressive, so we couldn’t miss the chance to use them in some more optimistic Thursday memes.
His smile, full of satisfaction, makes us feel much better and get through this day well!

Thirsty Thursday meme

thursty thursday meme

A tiring Thursday. An image of a pet looking exhausted and thirsty, to which you simply add the text “It’s Thursday,” needs no introduction.
It is simply perfect and suggests the state of exhaustion we usually feel today!

It’s not Thursday. It’s just the eve of Friday!

funny thursday meme

Look at the positive side of things and think about that Thursday meme that will excite you every time:
“Some people call this day Thursday. I prefer to call it the eve of Friday!”