Do you know at least one or two urology jokes?

What do you think about medical jokes?

These are among our favorites, and in the following lines, we have prepared a selection of urology jokes.

It seems like a weird topic, but I’m sure you’ll laugh at my heart’s content.

Funny urology jokes

funny urology jokes

A man goes to a urology office. He enters, embarrassed, removes his pants, and removes his troubled limb.
– Doctor, we need to talk very seriously. I think I have a problem.

My wife tells me that I am not very well developed from this point of view…
– Hmmm, from my point of view, he’s kind of right. But you better wait a minute.
I’m a barber and came here to talk about my husband.

If you wait another 10 minutes, the doctor will arrive, and you will be able to talk more with him…


Best urologist jokes

urology jokes

The patient, who has just come out of a complicated urology operation, shakes the doctor’s hand and says:

– Now that we are best friends, I could not insult you by offering you money, but I would like you to know that I passed you in the will
– It’s a very nice gesture on your part, the doctor replied excitedly…

Now, if you don’t mind, do you want to show me the prescription I gave you before?

After that, I would like to make a small change in the treatment plan I indicated to you…


The urologist screamed at the nurse he had just caught while making love to a patient:
– How many times can I tell you that in our country, this is not how laboratory samples are collected in urology!


– You have a very light hand. I didn’t even feel the intervention, confessing the patient emotionally to the doctor who had performed a complicated urology operation.
– And you! he answers the patient, who has just put an envelope with money in his pocket.


Urologist puns

urologist puns

A veterinarian and a urologist talk:
– Have you ever had a case of malpractice? The urologist asks.
– I once gave the wrong medicine to a horse, and I had to shoot it…
– Then I’m lucky: the patient I treated wrongly died on his own. He didn’t even get to hear a couple of urology puns on the ward!


A guy goes to the urologist and says:
– Doctor… before I show you the problem, I want you not to laugh

“What are you talking about, sir?
Do you think I’m so careless?”
Well, in 20 years of work, I have never laughed at the health problems of my patients.

So who do you think you’re talking to?
Do you feel like we’re making urology puns here?

Satisfied with the findings, the man takes courage and takes off his pants and, when there, what to see the doctor “an” object of work “the size of a battery.

And although he had just given him a moral about the seriousness of the medical act, he can’t help himself and starts laughing out loud.

Finally, after about 10 minutes in which he laughed non-stop, he stopped and while wiping his tears, he said:

– Please forgive me. I don’t know what happened to me… it’s the first time I’ve suffered something like this.

Now tell me what the problem is?
– Can’t you see? She is very inflamed…