How to Be a Funny Person and Attract People as a Magnet


Laughing daily is one of the most important thing for any problem. It is scientifically proven that it is better to laugh than to cry. You probably know this, but I must remind you that an increased dose of endorphins in the body makes us more beautiful, healthier, and smarter.

So you could deliberately to introduce into your program 15 minutes a day to laugh.

To be a source of amusement for you and those around you, it’s important to get the 5 basic principles needed to say a joke.

You do not need to write and repeat the jokes you hear or memorize. Still, you can instantly invent new jokes to which everyone will surely react if you respect the five principles:

– Unexpected ending

– Nonsense

– The word game

– Irony

– Exaggerating

We must not forget that jokes should be good and be said at the right time. I have to admit I’ve heard jokes in the most inappropriate moments, but I can not say I did not laugh.

Keep a balance so that the jokes you say do not hurt others or severely ruin your image.

Follow the 5 principles, and do not forget to be natural and find those funny elements in every situation. In this way, you can move on and have the right mood, and what is most important, you will succeed in making others laugh.

Appreciate every smile and every moment of joy, because they will change the way of thinking.

Do not forget to smile daily!


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