No racist but these are funny jokes to tell to your friends

not racist

We like every type of joke and even if we are not racists, these kinds of jokes are meant just to be hilarious, without any intention of being offensive. So appreciate our jokes and tell your friends about it.

Mom, why are we white and my gypsy friend is black?
Oh, the stork was on vacation and the crow took over the job.

What is the single white thing a black man has?
His teeth?
No, his master.

Two jews are standing next to each other.
I’ve heard we have free time tonight. Maybe we will have a party.
Wow, that sounds great! We need music. Who’s singing?
Hitler with his gun, whispers an officer.

A jewish and a black guy try to approach an white woman.
Can I take you out baby girl? You know what everyone says about blacks.
No, no. I can take you out, and anyway it will be a one time date.
Why? She asks.
‘Cause you seem to be a german and you know what happens to jews that try to date a german girl.

What is the scariest thing about a white person in prison?
You know he really did it.

What do you call a white man that beats the black ones?
A policeman.

I have two reasons why I like to tell racist jokes and I have never driven my girlfriend for a ride in the BMW:
– I do not have a girlfriend;
– I don’t have a BMW;

-What does it mean when a black man climbs a tree?
-One less black man on earth
-What does it mean when two blacks climb a tree?
-Two blacks less on earth
-What does it mean when three blacks climb a tree?
– The crack just broke!!

– Let’s see what a terrible incident happened when I went on that trip to Africa! Tell a guy to his friends.
– Come on, say it!
– I was crossing the Indian line…
– As if you said that in Africa…
– Yes, you, but that’s what they say, Indian sir. I mean, one before the other, because we weren’t going on the highway, we were going through the virgin jungle!
– Yes!
– Well, we were attacked by a group of monkeys, I think there were hundreds of monkeys. If a young man had not snatched me from their clutches, I would have been lost.
– Wait a minute, you. I’m interested, how did that young man recognize you among so many monkeys?

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