funny saturday meme

What can you convey through a Saturday meme?

Before developing a few ideas about Meme Saturday, maybe explaining what a meme actually is wouldn’t be a bad idea because we found both variants.

We are dealing with a video or an image usually accompanied by a text through which you represent the thoughts or feelings of most people.

When we think of a meme, in our mind, these are usually those humorous images, and many of them are very popular in the online environment. We say they are viral.

Okay, now that we’ve established all of that, let’s see what we can say about Meme Saturday.

There are not very popular ones like those on Monday.

And on the one hand, it is also normal for it to be like that because it is the favorite day for most of us when we don’t really sit in front of the computer, and we prefer to spend it in a completely different way.

Funny saturday memes

Unlike other images related to other days of the week, those that suggest Saturday memes are happy, optimistic and full of fun.

In general, most of them. Their message is humorous and honest, and we rarely find an ironic one.

Rather, as I said above, we are dealing with those sarcastic messages from those who have to work on Saturdays, but they are much fewer.

We will never find Saturday memes with a sad text because we are dealing with a day intended for relaxation, and in addition, the next day is Sunday, so you can have a lot of fun.

Happy Saturday memes

happy saturday meme

It’s time to party on Saturday

A very popular Saturday meme is the one in which you invite your friends to a party, or at least send them a message of this kind, to show them that you got through a rather difficult moment.

It’s time to be happy. It’s Sunday, yes, when we have to deal with an image accompanied by the simple text “It’s time to party”, almost everyone knows it’s actually Meme Saturday.

Saturday work meme

work saturday meme

Saturday memes for those who work

Although there are not too many in this situation, there are people whose job requires them to also work on Saturdays.

Therefore, for them, such a day is not really one in which they can scream at the top of their lungs that it’s party time. We are full of compassion for them, and we dedicate all those Saturday memes with sarcastic messages that we can find on the Internet to them.

And you can’t complain that you don’t have a choice, because they are quite numerous and quite popular. Just make sure that the person who works on this day and who will receive a Saturday meme from you does not misunderstand your message, even if, in the end, you only wanted to help them find a little humor in this situation.

Better to give up on the idea than to ruin a beautiful friendship just because you couldn’t help yourself and sent an uninspired Saturday meme! Because I have had to deal with such situations before!

Saturday morning memes

saturday meme

Everyone loves Saturdays mornings

We are not kidding when we say there was even an opinion poll in which people had to answer the question about their favorite day of the week.

We still need to detail that Saturday was in the first place, at a great distance from the others! And yet, despite this fact, or precisely to emphasize this truth, we are dealing with the fewest memes related to that day of the week.

It is that day everyone prefers because it is like a kind of buffer zone between Friday – where you have to go to work, and Sunday – when you think that on Monday, you have to start the activity again. That’s why it’s considered the best day for the most successful parties, and we’re not just saying it, but everyone!

Good Morning Saturday meme

good morning saturday meme

Even if it might not be that viral, because, after all, we are talking about a Saturday meme, nothing prevents you from creating one yourself.

It’s not complicated at all, especially now when there are so many programs that help you quickly finish what you have to do, but we still have hope that eventually, someone will succeed in that message that will become truly iconic in the field.
But how could it be about such a thing since it is on Saturday!