Why Funny People are Sexier than Everybody Else?

birthday jokes

Jokes are what makes us smile in the most hard times, even if we aren’t in a good mood for that. Often, we meet people that don’t even try to be funny, and that makes them look sexier. I mean, lately humor has become a quality that can attract both women and men, so it’s necessary to be smart, funny and sexy to conquer.

Humor is sexy! Yes, let’s admit it and you can’t deny these proven facts. It’s different for women and men. Women love to have someone to make them laugh and men love to make girls laugh. It is proven that being funny, means you have a higher IQ level and you own the ability to produce humor. So if you, girls, meet a guy that makes you laugh hard, keep him. He is both smart and funny.

How can you raise your potential number of dates with humor?

Being always funny can be a challenge, but with time this will become natural. Humor is a complex part of communication that can establish many connections between two or more people. But how do you get a date?

Humor and sexual attraction are linked, and what’s interesting is that a funny person that makes a girl laugh can make her like him, even if she isn’t physically attracted to him. As it may seem, girls are the ones that choose their potential partner depending on how hard she laughs, but this can be the other way too. It’s not should be just in a way too.

You can simply start appreciating humor around you and use it as a tool to make people feel good. That’s the point in humor, right? So, the dates and the love will come naturally. Keep laughing and read more jokes for inspiration and you will be seen funny and sexy. Life is joke after all. (Ha Ha)

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