Easy riddles. Which of them do you know?

We all like riddles because they set our minds in motion. But, because it is still summer and the heat is quite high, we have prepared a selection of easy riddles, perfect for the little ones and the big ones. Eventually, you can organize a competition.
Who will be the one to impose himself?

Spotted animal,
And with an immeasurable neck
Answer: Giraffe

Who likes to dress easily?
In winter or summer, in a coat with thousands of needles?
Answer: The hedgehog

It has long wool, created,
He wakes up in the morning.
Pasta grass up at the sheepfold,
He gives us good milk and cheese
Answer: Sheep

Easy riddles for adults and kids

easy riddles with answers

Who is proud and informed,
He has a tied nose
Question: in the yard, respected?
Answer: The turkey

In winter, it is cold. In summer, it bakes in the sun,
And it always has the same color
Answer: Fir tree

And three years of looking at me,
You still see yourself
Answer: The mirror

Funny easy riddles

easy riddles

It’s not a train, but it’s not a car
But it still goes on a rail
And it takes you when you take it
All over town, if you will
Answer: The tram

Question: What should be broken before use?
Answer. The egg

Question: It comes to us with easy rains,
And a lot of fruit
Answer: The fall season

I have a tiny hedgehog, easy.
Clean all your teeth well with it
Answer: Toothbrush

Lanterns in 3 colors
It helps passers-by
Answer: The traffic light

What a plant, when you touch it
Does it only make you blisters?
Answer: Nettle

10 easy riddles with answers

10 easy riddles with answers

He has moles,
But he has no legs
And he always carries you on his back
Answer: Sleigh

Dried mushroom
Where hung,
Worn by my grandfather:
Answer: The hat

On shirts, clothes, flannels
There are many pennies with holes
Answer: Buttons

Easy riddles for school kids

Who always sits in backpacks
Question: Wearing erasers, pens and any pencils?
Answer: The pencil box

She is hardworking and good.
She looks like a kind of fairy
She grows us with love
And he always protects us!
Answer: Mama

She loves to wash in the mud
And he would like to sleep on soft straw all day.
That’s his pleasure
And you have nothing to do. That’s how she is
But don’t try either
Stay like that in the mud.
You are children, and he is
It’s small but noisy…
Answer: The pig

It’s not a bird, and yet it flies
If you hold the string very well
Answer: The paper kite

Easy riddles that confuse adults

The good host is with you,
And it’s with me
She welcomes everyone very easy
And when he leaves, and when he comes.

Two easy sticks, eight tiny sticks
Get down and climb on them
Answer: Stairs

It looks like a ship.
It even has an engine
But when he goes on the road in the distance,
It is slowly left in the sea
And it goes all the way
Going underwater
Answer: The submarine

Easy flying plate
With a head, tail and four legs
Answer: Turtle

Who can reach him
Question: Even without complaining?
On this runner
Carrying her chicks in her bag
And fast as a glider in flight?
Answer: The kangaroo

Large apples with a bottle
They grew up with their grandmother in the tree
Answer: Pearls