Funny Animal Memes That Will Make You Laugh

funny animals

Among the memes that make you laugh with tears are funny animal memes. Each of us knows at least one, and you definitely want to know more.

A snail competes at home with a cheetah. Who do you think arrives first?
The snail, of course, because he didn’t even leave his house.

Funny animal memes

Why does the first elephant fall from the tree?
-Because he died! –
Why does the second elephant fall from the tree?
-It was related to the first one! Why does the 3rd elephant fall from the tree?
-He wasn’t careful, because he was reading funny animal memes, and he thought it was a Mario game and it was his turn!

There are two fleas:
-Where are you going so fast?
-Brother, I’m exhausted, so I’m going on vacation on the Cote d’Azur.

A fox walks through the forest and finds a glove. He takes it, puts it in his pocket and leaves.
See some cows on a meadow:
-Did any of you lose your bra?

Funny pictures of animals

The mouse and the elephant, good animal friends, go to the sea, and stay at the hotel. One morning the mouse comes out in front of the hotel and shouts to the beach:
– Elephant!
It comes out of the water, but it doesn’t get out until the mouse intervenes again:
– Okay, go back in the water, I thought you took my briefs!


Among the best funny animal memes are the ones below.

What does a snake that wants to kill itself do?
Get on the phone, dial and then ask:
-Hello, the purse and shoe factory?

Animals meme

In Noah’s ark, out of boredom, all the animals play football as a meme. Everyone is present, only the myriapod is missing. At the beginning of the second half, the myriapod also appears. He immediately dribbles everyone, even the goalkeeper, and scores a superb goal. The lion who was with him in the team asks him funny:
– Where were you in the first half?
– To put on my shoes.

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