Not Funny Didn’t Laugh Donkey Kong gif

funny don't laugh


What do you think of when you hear the expression: not Funny Didn’t Laugh? Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Surely you have hit them over time, maybe you were the one who said them… who knows? Here are some examples, in the rows below.

What does a penguin say when he enters a room where there are many people?
“Hello”, it’s just not too bad for you not to say hello!

A scale, a bull, a crab and two twins were talking near a market stall. A buyer walks past them and asks the twins:
-How much do you weigh a kilogram of fish donkey kong 64?

What does a thief say when he enters a room?
Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Donkey Kong gif for me either.

A husband complains to his wife that he has too little love in marriage.
She replies: I really don’t understand why you say that, do I hold your hands?

Donkey Kong with a plaster hand at the doctor:
-Doctor, will I be able to play the guitar after I take my hand out of the cast?
-Excellent! I couldn’t before.

Not Funny Didn’t Laugh Donkey Kong

How does an American cross the street?
He looks left, right… up and then sits on the bench and reads some not funny didn’t laugh but meaningless jokes about Americans.

Why are women with small breasts the most industrious?
Because they can’t sit with their hands on their breasts.

How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?
On its own… provided that the light bulb wants to change!

Didn’t Laugh?

New donkey kong game

Discussion between husband and wife:
“Listen, did you mime last night?” He asks.
“No, I was really asleep,” she says.

Not funny didnt laugh donkey kong
Someday, in the future, the end of the world will come. Mankind asks:
“Is he coming just now?”
– Donkey Kong Excuse me… I met King Kong  and talked for a while!

Any depression must be greeted with a smile. Depression will think you’re an idiot and give up. Oh, this is really funny.

Donkey kong country tropical freeze

Why does the giraffe have a long neck and freeze still?
To get to the head, of course.

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