
What not to do when trying to pick up a girl?


Top 5 nerdy pick up lines

nerdy pick up lines

I know for sure that at least once, you tried to grab a girl.
So here are some things you should and should not do.

Write grammatically correctly because a serious face will not be amused if you write a grammatically wrong answer.

If the girl answers you monosyllabically, do not write novels.

Try not to overdo it, and don’t give too many messages.

If he does not respond the first or second time, give up.

Don’t be a stalker! It is the stupidest thing to like in all the pictures of the girl.

Giving likes to all the pictures will seem extremely dubious.

Do not send pictures unless asked to do so.


nerdy lines


Best nerdy pick up lines

You are so hot. You are increasing my sperm count.

After seeing you, my electrons move up to an excited state.

I’m a scientist, and I always do periodically on the table.

Are you Florine, Iodine, Neon, Arsenic and Sulfur?
Cause you have a nice face!

I’ll call you Beryllium and Barium cause you are a Baby.

If I was a Super Hero, I’d telepath you to my bedroom.

Baby, I’m your Super man, and I’ll take you out of this world.

The heat among us is more than an exothermic reaction.

I can’t keep my retina off you.

Hi, I’m Adenine. I want to pair with U.

Evaporation causes cooling. It’ll help you when I make you sweat.

Honey, you’ll need some aerobic respiration tonight.

nerdy pick up lines


If I were a teacher, I would only listen to you and fall on you.

I would like to teach you much about chemistry, physics, and biology, but I think I could show you more if you go home.


Nerdy pick up lines for him or her

best nerdy pick up lines

For the biology exam, I would like to prepare together for practicing in the bedroom.

I don’t want to learn many languages, because I’m just happy with you.

I do not know what country you are from nor what language I must learn to understand each other, but I would like to know how to say, “I love you in your language!”

You are so beautiful that my glasses faded as soon as I saw you.

Get a new woman into your life with these pick up lines.

– Do you know what a cryogenic rose is and how it differs?

– Not.

– The cryogenic rose is resistant to 25 years, but my love is eternal.


best nerdy pick up lines

Nerdy pick up lines to use on guys.

– Hey, guy, can you help me with a problem?

– Yes, tell me!


nerdy pick up lines for her

– I’m extremely rushed and don’t think I’ll ever find what I’m looking for.

– What are you looking for?

– My mother said she would leave me a fortune of $ 1,000,000 if I brought home a beautiful girl to make her grandchildren.

Nerdy pick up line for her
You are so beautiful that any man should give you money for every minute he looks at you.

Hi! I have a very serious problem and don’t know how to deal with it. Can you help me?
Hi! What is it?
I need someone to go out with for coffee, and I’d like to know if you have time to go together.

The first question at a meeting:
Do you want to be with me?

Nerdy pick up line for him
If I were a photographer, you would be my number one model.

Hi, I would like to know if I can do a painting with you and keep it in the house to see you every day.

Hi dear, I’m sure you don’t have me on your friend list, but I think you could be in my life for life.